Star Wars Titanium Series 3″ Variant UPDATE- 10/4/06
I may be working 40 hours a week again, but I get to visit stores as part of my new job! w00t! I’ll be in different local Wal-Marts (one in Helena) at least once a week, so hopefully I’ll have some better luck hunting!
Here goes:
Star Wars Titanium Series 3″ Variant UPDATE- 10/4/06
Here’s the definitive list of the 3″ Titaniums as of 10/4/06- minus the obvious Date Stamps from the Galoob Line and such I am also making this list for those that are curious about the ships as compared to the old Die-Cast line.
A list of the CONFIRMED Ultra Titanium 6″ line AND the Titanium Series Die-Cast figures can be found at the bottom of this post!
This list covers Wal-Mart Exclusives Waves 1-4, the first 4 5-packs, and MASS RETAIL Edition Waves 1-15, Toyfair 2006 ships that were pictured, the 2006 Titanium Promo Checklist/Flyer included with the Ultra Titanium Series ships AND the ships displayed at the San Diego Comic Con that occured during July of 2006.
The Battlestar Galactica Titaniums are out and their variations will not be listed here! So if you wonder why MASS RETAIL Waves 6 and so on look so small it’s because the rest of the case was filled with BSG Titaniums! I’ll just be listing Star Wars Titanium Series releases from now on- but I will no longer be putting the BSG releases in the waves for reference.
I am not listing Wave Revisions, though new ships might be released in those revisions- keep that in mind!
If I miss anything, let me know This will be ordered for the Titanium Series in their respective wave- the Galoob counterparts (if any) will be mentioned
A word about the Titanium Series painted logos…
So far I have seen pics of one on a Mass Retail Wave 1 Republic Assault Cruiser and that’s it. I have read enough reports of them being on the White TIE Fighter that I believe them, too. I do not know where they would be on a Speeder Bike, Clone Turbo Tank, Death Star or on Jango Fett’s Slave 1. Until such time these variations are confirmed they will NOT be listed! The painted logos are, for all intents and purposes, VERY rare at this point, and a nightmare to completists.
The paint lines at the end of the variations refer to the words “Star Wars” on the stands- either Rainbow Silver, Silver or None.
Wave X WM EXCL Edition= Wal-Mart Exclusive release packaging with STAR WARS being prominent. There were 4 waves- the last Wal-Mart wave with the Wookie Flyer, Green Jedi Star Fighter, Naboo Royal Starship and Battle-Ravaged Millennium Falcon was NOT widely released in the United States but it was released overseas (Hong Kong, Singapore, English-Only packaging) and in Canada (with Tri-Lingual packaging)
Wave X MASS RETAIL EDITION= Mass Retail release with the brand TITANIUM SERIES being prominent and Star Wars being secondary. The bubble packaging is larger and the ships can be found anywhere. To date, 5 Waves have been released.
To make things easier on everyone, here is a list of the Waves the Titanium Series Ships first appeared in for the modern release and when they were released (roughly). The numbers correspond with the variations below, and the numbers “**.” indicate that the ship mentioned was either released in a previous Wave or is a repaint of another ship from another wave.
WAL-MART WAVE 1 (Winter, 2004- Wal-Mart Exclusive Packaging- 4 ships)
NOTE: These ships are being re-released via Mass Retail Wave 8 in June of 2006!1. X-Wing Fighter (Red 5 Markings)
2. TIE Fighter (Gray)
3. Millennium Falcon (White/Standard)
4. Slave 1 (Boba Fett Markings)STAR WARS CELEBRATION III / HASBRO EXCLUSIVE (May, 2005- 1 ship)
5. Dull Gold X-Wing Fighter with Celebration III markings
WAL-MART WAVE 2 (Spring, 2005- Wal-Mart Exclusive Packaging- 8 ships)
NOTE: The Republic Gunship and AT-RT are offically re-released via Mass Retail Wave 8 as of Late May 2006!6. Yellow ROTS-Style Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
7. Republic Gunship (Red Markings)
8. Droid Tri-Fighter
9. AT-RT
10. A-Wing Fighter (Red)
11. Snowspeeder
12. Star Destroyer (No detail)
13. Y-Wing Fighter (Yellow)WAL-MART WAVE 3 (Fall, 2005 AND Late March, 2006- Wal-Mart Exclusive Packaging- 5 ships)
14. Naboo Starfighter (Yellow)
15. ARC-170 (Red Markings)
16. Swamp Speeder (Red Markings, Non-Decript White Clone Trooper Pilot Figures)
17. TIE Bomber (Regular)
18. LandspeederWAL-MART WAVE 4 (Winter, 2005- Wal-Mart Exclusive Packaging- 4 ships- NOT WIDELY RELEASED IN THE WAL-MART PACKAGING though some did leak out in the late Mass Retail waves)
**. Battle-Ravaged Millennium Falcon
**. Green ROTS-Style Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
19. Wookie Flyer
20. Naboo Royal Starship**********
MASS RETAIL WAVE 1 (January, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 4 Ships)
**. TIE Fighter (White- Limited)
21. Republic Attack Cruiser
22. Clone Turbo Tank
23. Speeder Bike with Biker ScoutMASS RETAIL WAVE 2 (January, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 7 Ships)
**. Republic Attack Cruiser
**. Clone Turbo Tank
**. Speeder Bike with Biker Scout
**. TIE Fighter (White- Limited)
**. Jango Fett’s Slave 1
24. Death Star
25. Vulture Droid (Droid Fighter)MASS RETAIL WAVE 3 (January, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 6 Ships)
**. TIE Fighter (White- Limited)
**. Vulture Droid (Droid Fighter)
**. Republic Gunship (Clone Wars Decoration- Limited) (Guns Upward in package)
26. Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter
27. Imperial Shuttle (Left Facing in package)
28. AT-AT (Hoth/White Base)TOY FAIR 2006 / HASBRO CONVENTION EXCLUSIVE (February, 2006- 1 ship)
**. Shiney Gold Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter (2006 Convention Exclusive sticker ONLY)
MASS RETAIL WAVE 4 (Late February, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 8 Ships)
**. Republic Gunship (Clone Wars Decoration- Limited) (Guns Downward)
**. Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter
**. Imperial Shuttle (Front Facing in package)
**. AT-AT (Hoth/White Base)
**. Wookie Flyer
**. Naboo Royal Starship
**. Battle-Ravaged Millennium Falcon
**. Green ROTS-Style Anakin’s Jedi StarfighterMASS RETAIL WAVE 5 (March, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 7 Ships)
**. Limited “Raw Metal” (All Silver) Slave 1 (Ultimate Galactic Hunt 2006 Edition)
**. Republic Gunship (Clone Wars Decoration- Limited) (Guns Downward)
**. Naboo Royal Starship
**. Battle-Ravaged Millennium Falcon
**. Blue ROTS-Style Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
29. Sith Infiltrator
30. AAT Droid Tank (Trade Federation Tank)MASS RETAIL WAVE 5.5 (March, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 5 Ships)
NOTE: These ships were apparently over-stock and they were also released as Wal-Mart Exclusive Wave 3!**. Naboo Starfighter (Yellow)
**. ARC-170 (Red Markings)
**. Swamp Speeder (Red Markings)
**. TIE Bomber (Regular)
**. LandspeederMASS RETAIL WAVE 6 (May, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 11 Ships)
**. Limited “Raw Metal” (All Silver) Slave 1 (Ultimate Galactic Hunt 2006 Edition)
**. Republic Gunship (Clone Wars Decoration- Limited) (Guns Downward)
**. TIE Fighter (White- Limited)
**. Green ROTS-Style Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
**. Naboo Royal Starship
**. Battle-Ravaged Millennium Falcon
**. Sith Infiltrator
**. AAT Droid Tank (Trade Federation Tank)MASS RETAIL WAVE 7 (June, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 9 Ships)
**. Wookie Flyer
**. Green ROTS-Style Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
**. Imperial Shuttle (Front Facing in package)
**. Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter
**. Battle-Ravaged Millennium Falcon
**. Jango Fett’s Slave 1
**. Millenium Falcon as seen in ROTS (Pre-Lando or Han Solo- Limited)
**. Speeder Bike with Luke in Endor Gear
31. Republic Cruiser (Red Diplomatic- from Episode 1)MASS RETAIL WAVE 8 (May, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 7 Ships)
(ALL of these ships are re-releases! Wave 1 Wal-Mart Exclusives included!)**. X-Wing Fighter (Red 5 Markings)
**. TIE Fighter (Gray)
**. Millennium Falcon (Standard)
**. Slave 1 (Boba Fett Markings)
**. Green ROTS-Style Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
**. Republic Gunship (Red Markings)
**. AT-RTMASS RETAIL WAVE 9 (June, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 7 Ships)
**. Green ROTS-Style Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
**. Blue ROTS-Style Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
**. Sith Infiltrator
**. A-Wing Fighter (Blue Markings)
**. Millenium Falcon as seen in ROTS (Pre-Lando or Han Solo- Limited)
**. Speeder Bike with Luke in Endor Gear
**. Republic Cruiser (Red Diplomatic- from Episode 1)
32. Sandcrawler
33. Executor Super Star DestroyerSAN DIEGO COMIC CON 2006 / HASBRO (July, 2006- 1 ship)
**. Shiney Gold Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter (2006 Convention Exclusive sticker + SDCC Logo Sticker)
MASS RETAIL WAVE 10 (September, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 10 Ships)
**. A-Wing Fighter (Blue Markings)
**. Millenium Falcon as seen in ROTS (Pre-Lando or Han Solo- Limited)
**. Speeder Bike with Luke in Endor Gear
**. Speeder Bike with Biker Scout
**. Sandcrawler
**. Executor Super Star Destroyer
**. Speeder Bike with Leia in Endor Gear
**. Purple ROTS-Style Mace Windu’s Jedi Starfighter
34. TIE Interceptor
35. B-Wing FighterMASS RETAIL WAVE 11 (November, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 4 Ships)
**. Imperial TIE Fighter (Battle-Worn Decoration)
**. Y-Wing Fighter with Red Stripes on front (Vintage Decoration)
**. Droid Tri-Fighter (Battle-Worn Decoration)
**. Swamp Speeder (Green/Dirty Markings, AT-RT Pilot Figures)MASS RETAIL WAVE 12 (November, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 4 Ships)
**. TIE Bomber (Battle-Worn Decoration)
**. Naboo Starfighter (Blue)
**. Republic Gunship (Dark Green/Black Clone Wars Command Gunship Decoration)
**. Snowspeeder (Dark Grey Stripes/Rogue Leader Decoration)MASS RETAIL WAVE 13 (November, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 4 Ships)
**. ARC-170 Clone Wars Deco (Mouth)
**. Wedge Antille’s X-Wing Fighter (Red 2 Markings)
**. Star Destroyer (With “Lights”)
**. Jango Fett’s Slave 1 (Battle-Worn, new packaging)MASS RETAIL WAVE 14 (December, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 4 Ships)
**. Speederbike with Paploo (Ewok- Limited)
**. Endor AT-AT
36. Anakin Skywalker’s Clone Wars Jedi Starfighter
37. General Grievous’ Starfighter (ROTS)
38. Episode 3 Amidala’s Naboo Star Skiff (Flying Wing Starship from Mustafar)MASS RETAIL WAVE 15 (December, 2006- EVERYWHERE- RETAIL Packaging 5 Ships)
**. Darth Vader’s ROTS style Black Jedi Starfighter
39. AT-ST
40. Darth Maul on Sith Speeder
41. AOTC Obi-Wan’s Red Jedi Starfighter with Hyperspace Ring
42. Tantive IV (Rebel Blockade Runner- Red as seen in Star Wars: A New Hope)Star Wars Transformer Millenium Falcon Packaged Special Release (???, 2006- 2 ships)
**. Dull Gold Millennium Falcon
**. Dull Gold TIE Fighter**********
-Red ROTS-Style Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
-Yellow ROTS-Style Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
-Republic Gunship (Green Markings)
-Droid Tri-Fighter
-“Raw Metal” (All Silver) AT-RTWAL-MART EXCLUSIVE 5-PACK NUMBER 2 (Summer, 2005)
-Slave 1 (Boba Fett Markings- Darker Canopy)
-X-Wing Fighter (Red 3 Markings)
-ARC-170 (Blue Markings)
-Swamp Speeder (Green Markings)
-“Raw Metal” (All Silver) TIE BomberWAL-MART EXCLUSIVE 5-PACK NUMBER 3 (January, 2006)
-TIE Fighter (Gray)
-X-Wing Fighter (Yellow Stripe/Red 5 Markings)
-Y-Wing Fighter (Red)
-“Raw Metal” (All Silver) Millennium FalconWAL-MART EXCLUSIVE 5-PACK NUMBER 4 (Late March, 2006)
-Star Destroyer (With “Lights”)
-AT-AT (No Dark Gray Detail Paint on Head)
-Imperial Shuttle
-Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter (Gray, “Weathered”)
-“Raw Metal” (All Silver with Gray Detailing Paint) Death Star**********
NOTE: The release dates of these ships have NOT been announced, and the waves they will appear in are unknown as well! Details subject to change.**. Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing Fighter with Dagobah ‘muck”
43. AT-TE
44. Patrol Dewback
45. Invisible Hand (General Grievous’ flagship)**********
(1) X-Wing Fighter
-Galoob DIE-CAST has lighter paint colors and Red 5 Markings- Blue Stand Silver Paint
-JC Penney Version is plastic.
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 1 WM EXCL Edition has Red 5 Markings- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 2 WM EXCL Edition has Red 3 Markings- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 3 WM EXCL Edition has Red 5 Markings, Blue on R2-D2’s dome and a Yellow Stripe down the front- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 13 MASS RETAIL Edition (?) Wedge Antille’s X-Wing Fighter (Red 2 Markings)- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave ??? MASS RETAIL Edition (?) Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing Fighter (Red 5 Markings) with Dagobah “Muck”- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(2) TIE Fighter
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has lighter paint- esp. on Windows- Blue Stand Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 1 WM EXCL Edition has darker paint and a different color on the windows than the Galoob edition- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 3 WM EXCL Edition has no difference from Titanium Wave 1- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 1 MASS RETAIL Edition has White paint on it with Black paint around the cockpit. Ship has small painted “Titanium Series” logo on bottom of ship. This logo can be seen on the interior of the ship’s “solar panels” when the ship is inside the package! Date Stamps= Unknown – Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 2 MASS RETAIL Edition has White paint on it with Black paint around the cockpit. Does not have Titanium Series painted stamp. Date Stamps= Unknown – Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 11 MASS RETAIL Edition TIE Fighter with Battle-Worn Deco- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Star Wars Titanium/Transformers SPECIAL PACK Dull Gold TIE Fighter- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint (?)
(3) Millenium Falcon
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has lighter paint- Blue Stand Silver Paint
-JC Penney one is plastic and does not have a rotatable radar dish.
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 1 WM EXCL Edition has darker paint- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 4 WM EXCL Edition is “Battle-Ravaged” with “damaged” paint. SHIP FACES UPWARD IN PACKAGE. Old-style WM EXCL Packaging- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 3 WM EXCL Edition is “Raw Metal” Silver- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 4 MASS RETAIL Edition is “Battle-Ravaged” with “damaged” paint. SHIP FACES DOWNWARD IN PACKAGE. New-style TITANIUM SERIES Packaging- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 7 MASS RETAIL Edition Pre-Lando or Han Solo (Repaint) as seen in ROTS- THIRD LIMITED EDITION SHIP- has Foil Titanium Series Logo! Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Star Wars Titanium/Transformers SPECIAL PACK Dull Gold Millennium Falcon- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint (?)
(4) Slave 1 (Fett’s and Jango’s)
-Galoob one has Clear Window and lighter paint- Blue Stand NO Paint
-JC Penney one is plastic with Black painted window.
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 1 WM EXCL Edition has Clear Window- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 2 WM EXCL Edition has DARK Tinted Window (distinctly different)- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 2 MASS RETAIL Edition has Jango Fett’s Slave 1 coloration and a Dark Red translucent canopy- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 5 MASS RETAIL Edition is “Raw Metal” Silver. FIRST RAW SILVER SHIP OUTSIDE OF A 5-PACK! 2006 Ultimate Galactic Hunt Edition. SECOND LIMITED EDITION SHIP- has Foil Titanium Series Logo! Black Stand Rainbow Silver PaintBlack Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 13 MASS RETAIL Edition has Jango Fett’s Slave 1 coloration with Battle-Damage deco and new package as compared to Mass Retail Wave 2 edition- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-BAGGED Special Edition from Indianapolis Celebration III Convention with Gold Paint, Celebration III markings (Indianapolis 2005) Clear Lasers and Clear Landing Gear- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint- ONLY “BAGGED” Titanium Series ship to date!
-??? Rumored version without Celebration III Markings
(6) Revenge of the Sith Style Jedi Starfighter (Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Black TO DATE)
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 2 WM EXCL Edition Anakin YELLOW has Clear Window and Black Laser Cannons- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 1 WM EXCL Edition Anakin YELLOW has DARK Tinted Window and Brown Laser Cannons (distinctly different)- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 1 WM EXCL Edition Obi-Wan RED, Clear Canopy and Black Guns- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 4 WM EXCL Edition Anakin GREEN has Clear Window and Gray Laser Cannons. FRONT OF SHIP POINTS UP IN PACKAGE WITH WINGS OPENED- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 4 MASS RETAIL Edition Anakin GREEN has Clear Window and Gray Laser Cannons. FRONT OF SHIP POINTS DOWN IN PACKAGE WITH WINGS OPENED- New-style TITANIUM SERIES Packaging- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 5 MASS RETAIL Edition Obi-Wan BLUE Clear Canopy and Black Laser Cannons- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 10 MASS RETAIL Edition Mace Windu PURPLE- FOURTH LIMITED EDITION SHIP- has Foil Titanium Series Logo! Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 15 MASS RETAIL Edition Darth Vader BLACK Coloration- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(7) Republic Gunship
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 2 WM EXCL Edition has Red Paint- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 1 WM EXCL Edition has Green Paint- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 3 MASS RETAIL Edition has Clone Wars Cartoon Chapter 21 Decoration (Mouth), Gray and Bright Red/Orange. GUNS POINTING UPWARD IN PACKAGE. FIRST LIMITED EDITION SHIP- has Foil Titanium Series Logo!- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 5 MASS RETAIL Edition has Clone Wars Cartoon Chapter 21 Decoration (Mouth), Gray and Bright Red/Orange. GUNS POINTING DOWNWARD IN PACKAGE. FIRST LIMITED EDITION SHIP- has Foil Titanium Series Logo!- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 8 MASS RETAIL Edition has Red Paint- no difference from WM Wave 2- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 12 MASS RETAIL Edition Dark Green/Black Clone Wars Command Gunship Decoration- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
( Droid Tri-Fighter
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 2 WM EXCL Edition is identical to 5-Pack- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 1 WM EXCL Edition is identical to Single Pack- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 11 MASS RETAIL Edition has Gray Markings / Battle-Worn Decoration- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(9) AT-RT
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 2 WM EXCL Edition is Color Painted with a Matte Black Antenna.
-Titanium 5-Pack 1 WM EXCL Edition is “Raw Metal” Silver
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 8 MASS RETAIL Edition has a Glossy Black Painted Antenna WM Wave 2.
(10) A-Wing Fighter
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has light Red paint- Blue Stand NO Paint
-JC Penney one is plastic
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 2 WM EXCL Edition has darker Red paint- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 9 MASS RETAIL EDITION Blue Repaint- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(11) Snowspeeder
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has lighter paint- Blue Stand NO Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 2 WM EXCL Edition- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 12 MASS RETAIL Edition has Dark Gray Stripes / Rogue Leader Decoration- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(12) Star Destroyer
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has lighter paint- Blue Stand Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 2 WM EXCL Edition- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 4 WAL-MART EXCLUSIVE Edition with “Lights” and Dark Gray Detailing (Conn Tower)- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 13 MASS RETAIL Edition (?) has “Lights” and Dark Gray Detailing (Conn Tower)- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(13) Y-Wing
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has light paint- Blue Stand NO Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 2 WM EXCL Edition- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 3 WM EXCL Edition has Red paint markings everywhere- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 11 MASS RETAIL Edition has Red stripes only on the front- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(14) Naboo Starfighter
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 3 WM EXCL Edition is Yellow- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 12 MASS RETAIL Edition is Blue- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(15) ARC-170
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 3 WM EXCL Edition has Red Paint- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 1 WM EXCL Edition has Blue Paint- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 13 MASS RETAIL Edition has Clone Wars decoration (Mouth and Eyes like Clone Wars Republic Gunship)- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(16) Swamp Speeder
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 3 WM EXCL Edition has Red Paint- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 2 WM EXCL Edition has Green Paint- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 11 MASS RETAIL Edition Green Paint with AT-RT Driver-Type Clones. Brown “muddy” bottom- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(17) TIE Bomber
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has light paint- Blue Stand NO Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 3 WM EXCL Edition has Clear Window- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 2 WM EXCL Edition is “Raw Metal” Silver- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 12 MASS RETAIL Edition with Battle-Worn deco- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(18) Landspeeder
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has light paint- NO Stand
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 3 WM EXCL Edition with Silver Left Engine trim- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 3 WM EXCL Edition has no difference from Wal-Mart EXCL Wave 3- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(19) Wookie Flyer (Helicopter)
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 4 WM EXCL Edition is Brown with white blades. PILOT FACES UPWARD IN PACKAGE. Old-style WM EXCL Packaging With Brown highlights- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 4 WM EXCL Edition is Brown with white blades. PILOT FACES UPWARD IN PACKAGE. TRI-LINGUAL “Generic” Gray Spaceship packing with Blue Thruster design on it- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
*This FOREIGN Tri-Lingual packaging is presumably used on the other 3 Tri-Lingual Wal-Mart Exclusive Wave 4 ships (Naboo Royal Starship, Anakin’s GREEN Jedi Starfighter and the Battle-Ravaged Millennium Falcon)
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 4 MASS RETAIL Edition is Brown with white blades. PILOT FACES DOWNWARD IN PACKAGE. New-style TITANIUM SERIES Packaging- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(20) Naboo Royal Starship
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 4 WM EXCL Edition is Silver. FRONT OF SHIP POINTS UP IN PACKAGE. Old-style WM EXCL Packaging- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 4 MASS RETAIL Edition is Silver. FRONT OF SHIP POINTS DOWN IN PACKAGE. New-style TITANIUM SERIES Packaging- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(21) Republic Attack Cruiser (aka Venerator class)
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 1 MASS RETAIL Edition has small painted “Titanium Series” logo on bottom of ship. This logo cannot be seen when the ship is inside the package! Date Stamps= Unknown- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 2 MASS RETAIL Edition does not have this stamp. Date Stamps= Unknown- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(22) Clone Turbo Tank
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 1 MASS RETAIL Edition has Red paint highlights.
(23) Speeder Bike
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 1 MASS RETAIL Edition has Biker Scout (Scout Trooper) in seated on it- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 7 MASS RETAIL Edition has Luke Skywalker in Endor Gear in seated on it- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint (NOTE: Also found in the LAST revision of Wave 6!)
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 10 MASS RETAIL Edition has Leia Organa in Endor Gear in seated on it- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 14 MASS RETAIL Edition (?) has Paploo the Ewok hanging from handlebars- FIFTH LIMITED EDITION SHIP- has Foil Titanium Series Logo! Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(24) Death Star
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has lighter paint, less paint detail, and no black painted equator line- Blue Stand NO Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 2 MASS RETAIL Edition has good paint detail and a black equator line painted on the upper hemisphere- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 4 WAL-MART EXCLUSIVE Edition is “Raw Metal” Silver with Gray Stripes- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(25) Droid Fighter (Trade Federation and Vulture Droid)
-Galoob DIE-CAST one is Brown with Black Eyes and Trade Federation markings- Blue Stand NO Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 3 MASS RETAIL Edition has Green Eyes and Confederation markings- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint (4 possible ERROR versions exist as well- 3 are confirmed)
(26) Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter
-JC Penney one is light gray, smaller and plastic
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 3 MASS RETAIL Edition is dark blue/gray, larger than the JC Penney Version and has an opening cockpit. Canopy is DARK translucent Gray plastic- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack “2006 CONVENTION EXCLUSIVE” Shiney Gold Darth’s TIE Fighter (“Bluish” lettering of “2006 Convention Exclusive” sticker on front from NY Toyfair 2005.)- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 4 WAL-MART EXCLUSIVE Edition is Dark Gray in color with Black “Weathering” – Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack “2006 CONVENTION EXCLUSIVE” AND “SAN DIEGO COMIC CON” Shiney Gold Darth’s TIE Fighter (White lettering of “2006 Convention Exclusive” sticker on front with SDCC Logo sticker inside the bubble- from SDCC, 2006)- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(27) Imperial Shuttle (Tyderium)
-JC Penney one is smaller, gray and plastic. Wings are stationary.
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 3 MASS RETAIL Edition is White with movable wings. SHIP COCKPIT FACES TOWARD THE LEFT WHEN PACKAGE VIEWED FROM FRONT- WINGS POINT UP AND DOWN. Cockpit canopy is light gray translucent plastic- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 4 MASS RETAIL Edition is White with movable wings. SHIP COCKPIT FACES THE FRONT OF THE PACKAGE- WINGS SPREAD RIGHT TO LEFT. Cockpit canopy is light gray translucent plastic- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
-Titanium 5-Pack 4 WAL-MART EXCLUSIVE Edition has no difference from Titanium Wave 3- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(28) AT-AT
-JC Penney one is smaller, gray and plastic.
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 3 MASS RETAIL Edition “Hoth Deco” has a white base. The walker has dark gray paint on the sides of the head.
-Titanium 5-Pack 4 MASS RETAIL Edition “Hoth Deco” has a white base. The walker has NO dark gray paint on the sides of the head.
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 14 MASS RETAIL Edition “Endor Deco” has Green “Forest” base with Brown “Dirty” feet- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(29) Sith Infiltrator
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has light paint.
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 5 MASS RETAIL Edition has darker paint and weathering- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(30) Droid Tank (aka AAT Trade Federation Tank)
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has light paint.
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 5 MASS RETAIL Edition has darker paint and weathering- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(31) Republic Cruiser (Red Diplomatic- from Episode 1)
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has light Red paint.
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 7 MASS RETAIL Edition has darker Red paint and a paint wash added- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(32) Sandcrawler
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has light Brown paint.
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 9 MASS RETAIL Edition- Same paint job as Galoob one- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(33) Executor Star Destroyer (with small Star Destroyer attached)
-Galoob DIE-CAST one has light gray paint and small Star Destroyer attached.
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 9 MASS RETAIL Edition- Detail Paint Wash added-Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(34) TIE Interceptor
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 10 MASS RETAIL Edition with Gray paint- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(35) B-Wing Fighter
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 10 MASS RETAIL Edition- Folding Wings- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(36) Anakin Skywalker’s Clone Wars Jedi Starfighter
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 14 MASS RETAIL Edition- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(37) General Grievous’ Starfighter (ROTS)
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 14 MASS RETAIL Edition- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(38) Episode 3 Amidala’s Naboo Star Skiff (Flying Wing Starship from Mustafar)
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 14 MASS RETAIL Edition- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(39) AT-ST
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 15 MASS RETAIL Edition- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(40) Darth Maul on Sith Speeder
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 15 MASS RETAIL Edition- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(41) AOTC Obi-Wan’s Red Jedi Starfighter with Hyperspace Ring
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 15 MASS RETAIL Edition- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(42) Tantive IV (Rebel Blockade Runner)
-Titanium Single Pack Wave 15 MASS RETAIL Edition- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint
(43) AT-TE
-Titanium Single Pack Wave ??? MASS RETAIL Edition (?)- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint ORDER OF RELEASE SUBJECT TO CHANGE!
(44) Patrol Dewback
-Titanium Single Pack Wave ??? MASS RETAIL Edition (?)- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint ORDER OF RELEASE SUBJECT TO CHANGE!
(45) Invisible Hand (General Grievous’ Flagship)
-Titanium Single Pack Wave ??? MASS RETAIL Edition (?)- Black Stand Rainbow Silver Paint ORDER OF RELEASE SUBJECT TO CHANGE!
(46) Sebulba’s Pod Racer
(47) Trade Federation Droid Control Ship
(50) Gungan Submarine
(51) Trade Federation Landing ship
(52) MTT (Droid Transport Tank)
(52) Anakin Skywalker’s Pod Racer********
Good luck!
The ULTRA TITANIUM checklist OFFICIALLY lists the following ships:
RELEASED 2. Slave 1 (Boba Fett)
RELEASED 3. Snowspeeder
RELEASED 4. Millennium Falcon
RELEASED 5. Trade Federation Droid Fighter (TRI-FIGHTER- NOT the old one- it’s pictured on the flyer)
7. Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter- ROTS
8. TIE Fighter
RELEASED 9. Republic Gunship
RELEASED 11. Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter(12. Battlestar Galactica)
The Titanium LISTED Figures include:
1. Darth Vader
2. Boba Fett
3. Sandtrooper
4. Bossk
5. Clone Trooper
6. General Grievous
7. C-3PO
8. Darth Maul
9. Luke Skywalker
10. IG-88(11. Cylon Warrior- modern version)
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