Home Forums the never ending anakin saber color debate

  • the never ending anakin saber color debate

    Posted by Unknown Member on November 17, 2001 at 1:27 AM

    o.k., i thought i knew what was going on with anakin’s saber, and after seeing the first two trailers, i came to the conclusion that anakin would begin the film with a graflex styled saber with a green blade. at the end he would loose his saber when captured and possibly pick up another jedi’s saber, thus the photos of the blue blade he has vs. count dooku.

    but now the third trailer has been released, and there is a very quick shot of anakin about to decapitate a tusken raider with a blue bladed saber. this is of course anakin’s revenge for his mother’s death. this will probably take place in the middle of the film.

    anyway, unless ILM is playing a joke on us, and plans to change the saber colors before release, i’m stumped on this one.

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 3 months ago 0 Member · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies

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