Home Forums TOP TEN Phantom Menace Redux

  • TOP TEN Phantom Menace Redux

    Posted by Unknown Member on August 22, 2001 at 6:11 PM

    Here are the current standings according to previous lists. (Note: Once a figure goes into production, he comes off the list)

    1. Wald/Kitster 2 -pack
    2. Handmaidens
    3. Jedi Council (people requested specific members with Yareal Poof and Yaddle topping the list, but mostly, it was “Jedi Council”)
    4. Gragra
    5. Wookie Senator Yarua
    6. E.T. Senator
    7. Tey How
    8. Orn Free Taa
    9. Naboo pilot
    10. Ann/Tan Gella

    hmmm…How did the Gella’s make it on the poll list when there are more desired figures? Crazy Hasbro. Anyway, other figures people wanted were:

    Podrace Pilots
    Teemto Pagalies
    Ben Quadrinaros
    Dud Bolt
    Rats Tyrell
    Aldar Beedo

    and these guys…

    Erdan (the giant with black and white face tatoos)
    Weazel (Warwick Davis in Watto’s Box)
    Lott Dodd (Trade Federation Senator)
    Young Bib Fortuna
    Diva Funquita (Jabba’s Slave Dancer)
    Jira (“Me bones are aching Ani…”)
    Rep Teers (gungan council member sitting next to Boss Nass)
    Sei Teria (Asian assistant to Mas Ammeda/Chancellor Valorum)
    (Name?) The cat guy in the orange spacesuit
    (Name?) The black bald woman in Watto’s box
    (Name?) Watto’s Welding droid


    Scopa “Speedo” Parraco (Rodian in blue jumpsuit at podrace.)

    So those are the figures that EVERYBODY wants…who are the Phantom Menace figures YOU want? Hasbro is listening…here are mine:

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 6 months ago 0 Member · 20 Replies
  • 20 Replies

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