updated haves and wants list
Well after three rounds of trades and two weekends of hunting i have narrowed my list down somewhat e-mail me @ [email protected] if you see somthing you like.Wants:
Episode I: EP1 EP1 EP1 EP1 EP1 EP1 EP1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Darth Sidious Holograph
Naboo Royal Guard: the rare one not security
Pit Droids 2-pack
Queen Amidala “battle with w/ascension gun”
Sio BibbleVEHICLES AND SHIPS::::::::::::::::::::;;
Tie Interceptor
luke with skiff:Freeze Frame: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF:::::::::::::::::::::::::
AT-ST Driver
Hoth Rebel Soldier
Rebel Fleet Trooper
Sandtrooper (tri-ling ok)
Weequay (tri-ling ok)Green Card With Commtech:
R2-D2 with hologram
Wuher (bartender)Power of the Jedi: POTJ POTJ POTJ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Anakin Mechanic
Boss Nass
Chewbacca w/dejarik holo board
Han Solo Bespin Capture
Han Solo Death Star EscapeAction Fleet Ships (Loose missing figures ok) My collection is open::
Jawa Sand Crawler
Virago (prince xizor)
Bespin Cloud car
rebel blockade runner
Imperial landing craft
t-16 skyhopper
jabba’s sail barge
e-wing star fighter
anakins pod
flash speeder
gungan subHAVES HAVES HAVES HAVES HAVES::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Naboo Accessory Set x2
Sith Accessory Set x2
Darth Maul Sith lord
Darth Maul Jedi Duel x4
Darth Maul Tatooine x5
Yoda x4
Destroyer Droid x 5
Adi Gallia
R2-D2fLASH BACK::::::::::::
Anakin Skywalker x2
Darth Vader x2
Aunt Beru x3EXPANDED UNIVERSE:::::::::::::
Imperial Sentinel
Luke Skywalker from Dark Empire Comics
Grand Admiral ThrawnPOTF WITH COMMTECH CHIP:::::::::
Darth Vader with imperial interrogation droid
300th Boba Fett
Plo Koon
IG-88 (hand open)
Darth Maul final duelPOTF FREEZE FRAME:::::::::::::::::::::
Princess Leia Organa New Likeness x4
Luke in ceremonial outfit x2
Luke with Blast shield helmet x3
Death Star trooper
Darth Vader Removable Helmet .00
Chewbacca as Boushh’s Bounty x2
R2-D2 with tools x2
Orrimaarko prune face x2
Bespin Luke Skywalker x4
C-3PO with detachable limbs and cargo net x2
Han Solo
Princess Leia as jabbas prisoner
Luke in stormtrooper disguise
Mon Mothma
Ewoks Wicket and Logray
endor rebel soldier12″ Figures:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Darth Maul x3
Electronic Boba Fett
Battle DroidSHIPS AND VEHICLES::::::::::::::::::
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