Views about purposely damaging figures to deter scalpers?
I’ve been looking everywhere for the Bespin wave, and finally found them last week. I found 2 Lukes and a Vader, as well as a Pilot Obi-Wan. The kicker was, all were on damaged cards. I believe these were left behind by the scalpers who were looking for mint cards, as I found these late in the day at TRU. This got me thinking (not always a good idea).
I’m sure this has been discussed here before, but what are your views about damaging figures on purpose to keep scalpers from buying them all? I have heard of this before, where collectors will bend the top of a card when they find new figures. I usually buy 2 of each figure, 1 to open and 1 to keep carded. By damaging cards, I’d be more likely to get 1 figure to open, but finding a mint one to keep would be more difficult.
I know I live in an area with a lot of scalpers, and if by some chance I was to find a new batch of figures before them, I could ensure that someone other than the scalper could get ‘em. I’ve never done it yet, but with the difficulty I was having getting the new figures I was more than happy to have one in damaged packaging. I wonder if other collectors would as glad to find one, regardless of condition, as well? Or does anyone damage the cards to help other collectors and the kids looking for figures to open?
I always start trouble when I start thinking. I think I’ll go take a nap now- my head hurts.
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