VINTAGE CARDED Haves/Wants….9/17/01
Hi all,
Below is a list of my Vintage Carded Haves and Wants. Please email me with any questions you may have. I am also willing to buy vintage carded if the price is right. Here we go…..HAVES
ESB Bespin Security Guard (Black)
Han Solo (Hoth)
Han Solo (Bespin)
Imperial Gunner
Luke Skywalker (Bespin)
Luke Skywalker (Hoth)
Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper)
Bespin Security Guard (White)
A-Wing Pilot
R2-D2 (Pop Up Saber)
Others (if you don’t have any of the above and still want to trade, email me what you got)On my wants…it doesn’t matter which movie card (SW, ESB, ROTJ, TriLogo, or POTF) they are on. Please feel free to reply here or email me with any offers at:
Thanks for looking and I look forward to hearing from you all.
Jorus C’boath
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