Want Fan Club R2; Have greedo with yellow pins and more…
here is my full haves and wants list. i am really looking for a fan club version of the r2 with holo leia. it has a larger dome and round pegs on its feet instead of the half circles. of course i am always open to any and all other offers. just email me at [email protected]…….
Greedo with Yellow Pins in Knees on US Card
Jorg Sacul
FF Captain Piett with Baton Sticker
FF Garindan
Ponda Baba .00 with Grey Beard
Flashback Darth Vader with double arrows on tab
GC luke Stormtrooper .02
CT Han Solo
OC Han Solo in Carbonite .00
FF Han Solo
GC Princess Leia Slave Outfit
FF Princess Leia Hoth
Sio Bibble
Anakin with white Bonus Pit Droid
Obi Wan with red Bonus Pit Droid
Darth Maul Jedi Duel with Bonus Battle Droid
Obi Wan with Bonus Battle Droid
Jar Jar on Italian card (packaged without battle staff)
Darth Maul Tatooine .0100
Boss Nass .0000
Ric Olie .00
C-3P0 .00
Darth Sidious .00
Nute Gunray .0000
R2-D2 .0000
Yoda .0000POTJ
Coruscant Guard .0400
Aura Sing .0400
Bespin Han Solo .0100 X212″ Dark Lords of the Sith (Vader/Maul 2 Pack)
VINTAGE (all loose)
Han Carbonite (no block)
Gammorean Guard
Rebel Commando
Darth Vader (no cape or saber)
Biker ScoutCOMICS
Tales of the Jedi:
Dark Lords of the Sith #1,2
Phantom Menace #1-4, (from QVC with special eidtions Obi wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker autographed by the author)
Crimson Empire II #1
Shadows of the Empire- Evolution #1-5
Tales from Mos Eisley
Jabba the Hut
–Gaar Suppoon Hit
–Hunger of Princess Nampi
–Dynasty Trap
Boba Fett- When the Fat Lady Sings
–Rebellion #1-4
–Season of Revolt #1-4
Protocol offensive (Co-written by Anthony Daniels)
Han Solo at Star’s End #1-3
X-Wing Rogue Squadron
–Phantom Affair #1, 2, 4
–Family Ties #1-2
–Requiem for a Rogue #1-4
–Warrior Princess #1,2,4
–Masquerade #1,2
River of Chaos #1 & #3
Prelude to Rebellion #1-6WANTS:
Luke Tatooine short saber in long tray (Priority)
Princess Leia with Holo Sticker
Boba Fett (Any variant other than half circles)
Any weird variation, error cardGREEN CARDS
Han Solo in Carbonite Collection 2 .02
Darth Vader Collection 1 .01
Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight Collection 2 .01
Boba Fett (Any variantion card)
Any weird variation, error cardFREEZE FRAMES
Any weird variation, error cardCOMM TECH
Fan Club Version R2-D2 with Holo Leia (Priority)
Jawa with hole in right foot onlyPOWER OF THE JEDI
Anakin on Collection 2 Card (Priority)
Tusken Raider on Collection 1 Card (Priority)
Sebulba On Collection 1 Card (Priority)
Gungan Warrior .0300
Any weird variation, error cardSHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE
Dash Rendar .00
Luke in Imperial Disguise .00
Prince Xizor .00EXCLUSIVES
TRU Millenium Minted Coins: luke .00, leia .00,
and emperor
Walmart Exclusive Max Rebo Band Pair Sets
—Max Rebo & Bodo Nawieedo .00BEASTS
Han with Tauntaun
Eopie with Qui-Gon
Luke with Wampa
Tusken Raider with Bantha
Luke with RancorANY INTERESTING VARIANT (wrong freeze frame, comm chip, force file, missing stuff, crazy paint variations…. whatever!!)
VINTAGE (need NOT be complete or mint, just in displayable condition)
anakin skywalker
AT-AT commander
A-wing pilot
B-wing pilot
bespin security (white and black versions)
bib fortuna
chief chirpa
cloud car pilot
han solo
han endor
imperial dignitary
luke battle poncho
max rebo band
leia battle poncho
r2 with sesorscope
r2 with pop up lightsaber
walrus man
zuckuss (4-lom in new version)ANY INTERESTING VARIANT (wrong freeze frame, comm chip, force file, missing stuff, crazy paint variations…. whatever!!)
as always, i am open to any suggestions. just email me at [email protected]
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