Warning…falling Cranes…
Many posts have hinted at this for a while, so I decided to make a thread.
During the Final Battle against Count Dooku (Darth Tyrannus) in the Geonosis Hangar, Anakin and Obi-Wan fight fierce but are out gunned by the dark one. Dooku is rumored to fight with two curved sabers and is able to keep the brave Jedi’s off balance.
After a long duel (ala TPM) Dooku is able to knock Obi-Wan out for the count (still don’t know how), leaving Ani all by his lonesome. But Anakin doesn’t back off, he grabs Obi-Wan’s saber and charges in with both (BLUE & GREEN) sabers. As the two slug it out both lose a saber (Anakin loses the GREEN one and Dooku loses one of his).
Now here’s where it gets really interesting, we have seen a fair amount of footage of Anakin and Dooku (both with one saber each) fighting under Dooku’s really cool looking ship and from the looks of it, it’s a even battle. But Dooku has an ace up his sleeve; he backs Anakin up, catches him off guard somehow and gives him a big taste of FORCE LIGHTING (as seen in the Mystery Trailer). Than Dooku drops a huge crane down on Anakin and possibly injuring or cutting off his right (or left) arm.
But than Yoda shows up to save the day. (FOR HE’S A JOLY GOOD FELLOW, FOR HE’S…Sorry, lost my head they’re for a second)
I’m wondering what you all think about a few things:
1) How does Master Obi-Wan Kenobi get knock out of the fight?
2) Is it possible for Anakin will fight Count Dooku with two sabers?
3) Does anyone buy Anakin losing an arm in the fight?
4) How AWESOME is it to see the MASTER, Master Yoda in real combat?
Please, post away and let me know how you think/hope the Final Fight scene of the film go.
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