Weird thoughts -aka- Did you ever notice? (merged)
Weird thoughts….
One of my employees called in today, so I worked alone. As you know, when you are alone….no one to B.S. with, you just think. Anyway, here are some of the things that crossed my mind:
Has anyone, in the history of mankind, gone in to get a physical, and accidently gotten a….umm….you know…..during the exam?
Concrete trucks look like they are driving backwards…..really…check it out sometime.
Do women’s restrooms have the same obnoxious pictures, poems, and phone numbers on the stall walls like ours?
Who came up with the idea of rolling dried leaves in paper and smoking ’em? Probably Indians in a pipe…but why? How much nasty crap did they inhale before they got it right?
Why wasn’t Nancy Reagan at the National funeral?
I want to make an audition tape for Survivor.
How come the media interviews the dumbest people on earth, making us ALL look dumb?….like when they do random street interviews.
I hate attention-starved, tye-dye wearing, pierced-tongue, anti-war college posers who prance around campus holding picket signs because of their pot-smoking, ex-hippie history professor.
How come when we fa…oh..sorry…”pass gas” by ourselves, we don’t even crack a smile, but if others are around, we laugh hysterically.
Not that I would want it, but do you realize Hitler ruined that style of mustache for everyone….for ALL eternity? Go ahead and shave yours like that and watch what happens.
Why do I find Angelina Jolie (sp?) totally unattractive, but have this weird thing for Courtney Love?
How do we know the Taliban isn’t snagging some of that food we’re dropping?
I’m sure I thought of other things, but I’m pretty sure it was mostly work-related stuff. Has anyone else had some thoughts they’d like to discuss?
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