What are your thoughts on this…?
hello all there is a question that has been bugging me for a while now and id like to hear what you all think. my question is this: how do you feel about the people who take boxes of figures off of the pallets in stores before they are supposed to be out? personally i hate them.i hate their guts. what pisses me off even worse are the jackasses wo sit there with baby food and clothes in their carts and wait until they think you are gone and go rip the boxes open with their keys- now they dont just take one or two of each figure- they take them all- or all the short packed ones… man that irks the hell out of me- the one time i ever opened any box on the pallets was after i asked the closest employee if she could open it for me- well she said “ok” and i got o of each figure i wanted leaving the others for people more deserving than the jerks who dont even give me (average joe, nice guy) a chance- now im sure some of you do this and some of you dont but what makes you do it and why do you feel justified in doing so? if not why do you feel it is wrong? should i join the fold and hunt them down like this or should i just continue down the average joe route im on?
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