What if…..?
Just for the sake of discussion let’s say the Star Wars line had managed to hold out, say one more year. Who do you think would have been included in the next assortment after the initial 17 POTF figures? Just for a nice round number and as a nice way to close out the line let’s say the last assortment consisted of 12 figures (excluding Yak Face), all movie based (so none of this Atha Prime or Mongo Beefhead nonsense).
Here are my choices, keep in mind some of these were actually being planned by Kenner before the line folded, and in the spirit of the POTF line they are mixed from all films.
Action Figures:
1. Darth Vader (with removable helmet)
2. Long Snoot Garindan
3. Han Solo (Imperial Stormtrooper Outfit)
4. Hyena Man Lak Sivrak
5. Tooth Face J’Quille
6. Princess Leia Organa (Ewok Celebration gown)I wanted to say Slave Leia, but this IS 1986
7. Grand Moff Tarkin actually being planned by Kenner at the time
8. Imperial Stormtrooper (Desert Battle Gear)
9. Ephant Mon
10. Luke Skywalker (Ceremonial Outfit)
11. Imperial Dignitary the other one
12. Blockade Runner Trooper
13. Yak FaceBeasts/Creatures:
Bantha actually being planned by Kenner
Cantina BandVehicles:
Blockade Runner
A-Wing FighterPlaysets:
Bacta ChamberComing Soon in 1987!:
TIE Bomber Vehicle
Skyhopper Vehicle
Imperial Outpost PlaysetMail-Away Figure:
Gargan(Hey, I can dream can’t I?)
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