what is a “yes man” ?
in regards to the interview of former ILM employee mark austin, the subject of lucas surrounding himself with “yes men” has risen. we all know the classic definition of a “yes man” as one who suppresses his own opinions for fear of losing favor with their superiors.
but in regards to an artist or technician hired to create certain computer generated film sequences, does the said employee have any right expressing displeasure to his employer regarding the “greedo shoots first” discussion, for example? or are they there simply to perform a certain task and keep their opinions to themself?
we would all regard it honorable if an ILM employee would stand up to lucas and say,”george, you’re losing it. there is no way greedo should of shot first.” but in reality, the CGI artist was not hired for that purpose. now, if lucas had hired someone specifically to “help out” in the script writing process of a film, i would have no problem with the hired writer speaking his mind.
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