Home Forums What other 25th Anniversary Figures Do You Want?

  • What other 25th Anniversary Figures Do You Want?

    Posted by Unknown Member on December 22, 2001 at 9:27 AM

    I was thinking about this at least 3 or 4 different days, different times.

    I am assuming that with the 25th Anniversary of ANH and Luke-Leia, Han-Chewie, Vader-Ben that they are done with ANH.

    Will Empire and Jedi have these 2 packs as well? What will they be? I assume that Hasbro will want to represent all the main characters, so Lando, Yoda, R2 and C-3PO, Boba Fett and Palpatine will have to make their way into Anniversary Sets for the later two movies. Possibly Wicket, too.

    The Droids are easy

    ESB #1 (R2 fixing Threepio after the escape from Cloud City)
    ESB# 2 (Yoda standing on Luke Dagobah’s feet? with Spirit Ben?)
    ESB # 3 (Lando rescuing Luke from the Falcon’s roof?)

    Vader’s “I am your father” scene with his cape sculpted blowing (like Maul’s Tatooine duel) and a battered Bespin Luke would be keen! (so would the duel, but the Dark Revelation is so cool – with the weather vane prop in the 2 pack??? Yeah!)

    Lando could also be shown being choked by Chewie (which would also include 3PO on his back) but that is not showcasing Lando in the best light – a heroic moment. Maybe saving him until ROTJ is wisest?

    Fett could be posed with Vader blocking his blaster when the bounty hunter scum goes to shoot poor Chewbacca. Or Fett could be posed in the scene where they first enter the carbon freezing room, cut so that you only see Han as Fett’s prisoner, being marched in to the chamber…

    Han firing while protecting Leia is a possibility, as is Lando covering Leia in their escape (posed under a segment of the Falcon) but these ideas seem weaker to me…

    Moving on to ROTJ I think the best one for the Emperor is

    ROTJ #1 Vader E.W. lifting and hurling Palpatine with his lightning flowing over Vader (the Redemption of Anakin Skywalker) – a shoe-in everybody would want!!! (I hope they do a Palpatine ‘final seconds’ anyway)

    ROTJ # 2 Luke Jedi should probably be fighting Boba Fett – another way to get Fett in there, while allowing for the fact that a cinema scene of the Final Jedi Duel was already done. (but Luke holding his lightsaber at his father’s throat would be cool – The Defeat of Darth Vader…)

    ROTJ # 3 Wicket could be with Leia Endor while she’s shooting, or he could be chopping the Bikerscout’s leg. A random army-builder like the scout trooper doesn’t seem as practical as a regular or sub-regular character though, and Wicket is one of the hardest characters to justify even putting in a two-pack. Plus he’s been in one with Leia. Wicket peering into R2’s eye port is a possibility, but another boring one. I really want more Ewok action figures, but not another Wicket -and he is a boring possibility here.

    Oooo – I just thought of Vader’s funeral pyre scene for a two-pack and I would drool all over that and applaud it even if we were getting Vader with Palpatine already.

    Jabba the Hutt is deliberately left out of all this, as he is just too big for a carded Anniversary box.

    Lando could be with Nien Numb in the Falcon cockpit, but then you have the fact that Nien Numb is not even an important sub-character. He’s an extra less-promoted than Wicket…

    But Lando destroying the Death Star II is something of a little importance to his character. Him with Leia Boussh unmasked as his prisoner is another possiblity. Leia unfreezing Han is one, too.

    What are your movie two-pack suggestions for the eventual 25th Anniveraries of ESB and ROTJ?

    Which suggestions of mine did you like? (if any)

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 1 month ago 0 Member · 21 Replies
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