What will you do if Episode 2 isn’t worth rewatching?
Well, with every passing day Episode 2 comes closer to being yet another box office hit at the theaters and another source of reference for all of us Star Wars lovers and followers. However, after being hyped up for E1 for about 5 years, and then waiting in line to see it for 3 days, and then watching the piece of garbage in the theater, I released, along with others, that Star Wars was no longer the cocky, witty, adventurous, thrilling, and a down right fun experience anymore. It did take a while to sink in, since, I went throw a long stage of denial. But, a year later I realized that I would watch any one of the original trilogy movies 100 times in a row before I had the urge to pop in my Episode 1 tape, and now DVD. So, what if Episode 2 blows it just as bad? As I see it now, I just say to myself, “well, ok, episode 1 wasn’t for me, but maybe the next 2 will be since they are going to be very different.” What if they aren’t people? It is possible you know. Star Wars may loose it’s touch for good. As it is, it’s slipping and I know you all know it. So, if E2 puts the final blow in the hope of reviving star wars, what will you do?
Me, I will be selling half of my star wars collection (I have loose figures and packaged of every toy) before e2 is released. If e2 kicks the bucket, I will be selling my second half as well and then imminently proceed to the nearest bucket of acid and dip my head into it.
What will you do?
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