Home Forums When did Vintage prices get like this??

  • When did Vintage prices get like this??

    Posted by Unknown Member on August 30, 2001 at 4:01 AM

    I am relativley new on the vintage scene (only been collecting for 1 year). Scanning Ebay, conventions and comics stores some of prices for vintage are too say the least….high. Now talking to a few collectors here and there I keep hearing stories about people finding POTF Luke Stormtroopers, Han in carbonite and the harder find figures MOC at conventions, comics stores etc… for $60 and this was only like 7 years ago! Other people getting 12 backs for less than a $100. My question is when did the massive jump in prices really take place? was it gradual or did EP1 really cause a huge market stir?? or are these people simply lying to make me feel bad for what I keep doshing out now…..:p

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 5 months ago 0 Member · 23 Replies
  • 23 Replies

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