When there are no more Vehicles to do…
Imagine, every vehicle in all the 6 films has been made, Hasbro had squeezed enough life out of Expanded Universe Vehicles, (huge by the time all 6 have been around a while…
What would you want Hasbro to turn their attentions to to make you part more of that small fortune on Star Wars? Playsets?I would love to have a Sail Barge (as others have written) Imagine 2 tidy skiffs buzzing around a Sarlac Pit Playset? Although probably easier to make…
Another one I have always thought of would have to be the Endor Landing Platform, with a shuttle sitting on the top and an AT-AT patrolling near by, an anxious Vader & Luke standing on a gantry way… I could go on and on…
But, I think perhaps Playsets are generally not good sellers…
Customizing anyone?
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