Home Forums Who do you hope the early 12″ figs will be?

  • Who do you hope the early 12″ figs will be?

    Posted by Unknown Member on October 12, 2001 at 8:40 AM

    I myself immediately want

    WAVE 1

    Jango Fett
    Anakin Skywalker

    if they ship in 3’s.

    Padme in her basic white outfit shouldn’t need to be a Portrait Edition or whatever, so I wonder if they can include her in a regular wave.

    WAVE 2

    Plo Koon
    Ki Adi Mundi

    (it’s still rather early for Mace, due to his other 12″ figure, even if the real scan of Samuel L. Jackson will make a better figure. Though he’s more of a main character in this film, don’t you think his 12″ figure can wait? I mean I bought 2 of his E1 figures to save one for AOTC scenes I want to set up with my 12″)

    SHORT STUFF WAVE (little people)

    R2D2 with new stuff and accessories
    Boba Fett
    Master Yoda

    2 PACKS

    Count Dooku with Darth Sidious
    Chancellor Palpatine with Mas Amedda
    Anakin Skywalker with Shmi Skywalker

    (later Anakin and Padme would work, but it’s time we had a 12″ Shmi)

    DELUXE 12″

    Zam Wessel and Speederbike
    Destroyer Droid (transforming) and Security Battle Droid

    Sure there’s a lot more, and great aliens to do, etc. But I want these especially the first three I mentioned, as close as possible, timed with the movie’s release.

    Man, I’m actually excited enough to play with them!

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 4 months ago 0 Member · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies

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