Home Forums Why didn’t George Lucas fix this in ROTJ?!?!?

  • Why didn’t George Lucas fix this in ROTJ?!?!?

    Posted by Unknown Member on June 13, 2002 at 3:58 AM

    Have any of you ever wondered about the ending to Jedi? Vader tells Luke to tell his sister that he was right about him (that there was good in him) but when Luke heads back to the Ewok village he never says a word. I had hoped that this would have been corrected in the special edition film but of course, it was not. Why did Lucas leave this part out? It is such an important part of the film. I definately think there should have been some sort of a wrap up. Anyone else agree? What would have even been better was to throw in some sort of mojo with Yoda telling Luke that Anakin was supposed to bring balance to the force but instead he destroyed it. Luke could go on about feeling the good, etc. I love the films dearly but think Jedi was wrapped up very poorly.

    Unknown Member replied 22 years, 7 months ago 0 Member · 15 Replies
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