Home Forums woes with figuresandtoys.com?

  • woes with figuresandtoys.com?

    Posted by Unknown Member on October 18, 2001 at 7:40 PM

    Hello out there in collector land!!!

    I have been having difficulties with FIGURESANDTOYS.COM- I pre-ordered several of the new figures about 2 months ago. None of them have been shipped to me as of yet. I am able to find the new Han, Luke and Vader in the stores and have been able to for about the last month and a half. The website is still showing the arrival date for these figures as “TBD” (to be determined). The Shmi that I ordered has come and gone and they are out-of-stock.

    My question is- has anyone had any problems with this outfit? I am about ready to cancel my order because this wait is ridiculous. I understand that they have a disclaimer stating that they may not get the items in before the chain stores, but COME ON!!! The chain stores have gotten shipment after shipment of these pieces in since the waves started to arrive!

    all I have to say is… well… my friend showed up with all the new waves for me today and I don’t need to get this order anymore… :(

    Unknown Member replied 23 years, 3 months ago 0 Member · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies

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